Our Team

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John Wells

John Wells

Erin Jontow, President, Television

Erin Jontow, President, Television

Ned Haspel, Chief Operating Officer

Joy Ann Daffern, Senior Vice President, Operations

Joy Ann Daffern, Executive Vice President, Operations

Kristin Martini, Senior Vice President, Television

Kristin Martini, Senior Vice President, Television

Esther Yun, Director, Business Affairs

Jasmine Burger, Manager, Television

Jasmine Burger, Manager, Television

Julia Dillard, Manager, Production

Jaylen Wilson, Coordinator, Television

Homer Laffoon, Executive Assistant to Ned Haspel

Maddie Melcher, Executive Assistant to John Wells

Lauren McAninch, Executive Assistant to Joy Ann Daffern

Maia Mulcahy, Executive Assistant to John Wells

Erik Standke, Production Assistant

Erik Standke, Production Assistant

Sydney Gonzalez, Executive Assistant, Television

Cody, Paid (in treats) Intern

Cody, Paid (in treats) Intern

Lucy, Security Expert

Lucy, Security Expert

Humphrey, Creative Muse

Humphrey, Creative Muse