Southland is an American crime drama television series created by writer Ann Biderman and produced by Warner Bros. Television. It originally aired on NBC for one season from April 9 to May 21, 2009, and then on TNT for four additional seasons from March 2, 2010, to April 17, 2013. On May 1, 2009, NBC announced that Southland had been renewed for a second season with an initial 13-episode order to begin airing on Friday, September 25, 2009, at 9:00 pm, one hour earlier than its original time slot. On August 27, 2009, shortly before its scheduled premiere, NBC moved the opening of its second season to October 23, 2009, citing the need to promote the show more fully. On October 8, 2009, two months after they moved the opening of its second season to October 23, 2009, NBC announced that the series had been canceled after one season.
On November 2, 2009, TNT announced it had purchased the rights to Southland's original seven episodes, as well as six completed episodes from its second season. Southland began airing its second season on TNT on January 12, 2010. On April 26, 2010, TNT announced it had picked up Southland for a ten-episode third season to begin airing on January 4, 2011. TNT's renewal of the show included a substantial budget cut and corresponding cast reduction. Southland was renewed for a ten-episode fourth season on March 22, 2011, which premiered on January 17, 2012. The series was renewed for a ten-episode fifth season which began airing February 13, 2013.
On May 10, 2013, TNT announced that Southland had been canceled after five seasons.
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, January 24). Southland (TV series). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:43, January 30, 2021, from
STARRING: Kevin Alejandro, Arija Bareikis, Michael Cudlitz, Shawn Hatosy, Regina King, Michael McGrady, Ben McKenzie, Tom Everett Scott, C. Thomas Howell.